Friday, May 1, 2015

When Gummy Bears Fly

Last week you may remember I went out of town for work. I had purchased some of my favorite snacks and enjoyed them in moderation while I was there.

On the way home the next night however, I was facing a very boring 3 hour drive.

If I had been thinking I would have packed the left over snacks in the back of the car; I was not thinking however and I put the grocery bag full of all my favorite snacks in the passenger seat within arms reach.

As the time slowly ticked by I began to hear a voice. It was quiet at first, and it took me some time to identify who it was.  Then recognition hit me. I know you; You are the sweet, sugary, chewy, chocolate covered voice of my gummy bears in the grocery bag.

At first I ignored them. I wasn’t hungry and knew that if I started eating them in the car it would be all over.

As another hour went by the voice got louder and louder, “I’m right here, and I make a great road trip buddy!”

I caved in. At first I opened the back and took out 3 chocolate covered gummy bears, taking the time to slowly enjoy each one and being careful to close the bag against further invasions. After doing this for the fourth time, I had to admit to myself and my gummy friends that we could no longer ride in the car together.

Warning: the next part of the blog is not green friendly!

I rolled down the passenger window, tossed the bag, and watched as the gummy bears neatly flew into the trees on the side of the road. The rest of the ride home felt pretty dang good.





1 comment:

  1. Ah, I can hear someone scolding ... "you litterbug" ... or "what a waste of food" ... or "you should have found a homeless person to give them to." But, really you did the right thing for you! When we spend our lives concerning ourselves more with what others think or doing the politically correct thing, we are forgetting what is best for ourselves. Ultimately, that is not respecting the gift of life that God gave us. Besides, you can always do a little litter pickup on another day.
