People matter; love, encourage, be hospitable, forgive, serve, listen, hug, laugh and cry with them, go the extra mile, and ultimately, lay down you life.
God matters; glorify him, praise Him, keep his commandments (love God, love others), put Him first, be grateful for Him, walk, talk, be with, and follow him every moment you have breath. He came and gave us a window into the heart of the Father. He did not focus on what people ate, or what possession they had. He did say to one man "sell all you have, give it to the poor and follow me", He answered another by saying, "my food is to do the will of my Father". Maybe then instead of trying to stop focusing on food, I should be trying to focus on the things that matter to God. The rest will take care of itself.
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Good observation. Maybe that is why the physical attributes of Jesus are never described.