Monday, May 18, 2015

How many minutes will that cost me?

If you want to know the calorie of any food you can quickly access it through thousands of websites.

Some fast food places are actually placing them on the receipt, this sales technique eludes me. If you are already at a fast food place saving calories is probably not your top priority. If however you have walked in the doors they will make considerably less money by showing you "in black and white" why this was a mistake.
Within seconds of calculating your calories you can then go to any exercise website and calculate how many minutes you need to spin on a bike to delete the unwanted excess calories and end the day at the magic weight loss number needed. You may even lose weight with this daily math game, if you can keep in up for a few months. However, since you asked, in my opinion, this is not a winning strategy. You are training your mind to think about how many calories it CAN have in any given day, you are also getting use to more food than your body actually needs. It will continue to want the amount you have trained it to be used to even if you don't work out. These are two bad ways to change behavior. You want your mind and body to get used to living on less food. Making more food the reason you work out puts food smack dab in the center of your world. You have also trained your brain to expect food as a reward for working out.
I would challenge you to spend two weeks doing nothing more than stretching for 15 minutes a day, you could even play some relaxing music to end your day. Kill the cardio for two weeks. During this fast from the gym tune in to your body. Learn to recognize hunger and eat only what you need. Pay attention to the amount you actually don't need. Think about what real hunger feels like.
When you add exercise back in make your goal a stronger core, pain prevention, and a body that will take you into the future able to do whatever God has in store for you, weight loss will just be an added bonus.

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