Sunday, April 19, 2015

It's not you; It's me

It's not you; It's me

Healthy relationships  encourage people to be the best versions of themselves. They don't force you to be everything to them, they don't control you, badger you, call you every second to see where you are, because they don't trust you, or tempt you to do things that they know are bad for you.
Based on this definition, I need to break up with Food. Food and I have been codependent for way to long. Food calls me, from wherever he is, asking me to find him and spend time with him. When I am hanging out with friends, he wants all of my attention. We break up 3 times a month and then get back together again. He gets jealous when I try to live without him and calls me 6 times a day, even when I am working. The problem is every time I break up with him, he's all I think about. When I am with him he makes me feel so happy, but afterwards I always feel miserable about our time together.
I tried going out with his friend "diet" a few times, but it was worse. He just wanted to keep my all to himself and would never let me hang out with any of my old friends. Everyone else was off limits.
If I am every going to be the person I know want to be I am going to have to walk away and grieve the loss of this lifelong relationship. I know I will want to go back, I know I will feel the loss for a long time. It will hit me most when I am lonely and bored, or at 2AM when I can't sleep, but if I am ready for a relationship that inspires me and helps me see all I can accomplish. I know it's not his fault, I'm the one who blew him out of proportion. I'll make sure he knows, it's not you, it's me. We can still be friends.

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