Saturday, April 18, 2015

Just One More

Just One More
picture from:

Just one more bite, a little something sweet after lunch, a pick me up at two in the afternoon followed by another cup of  coffee, and a snack before bed.  It's no wonder I have no idea what it feels like to really get hungry. They say you should eat several small meals a day, I wonder if they meant 12? I need to go on a snackfast. I would probably lose ten pounds in a month if I could go one month without the extra bite, extra piece, little tastes and drinks.
Its the same with money. Five bucks a day for a month is $150., 10 bucks a day for month is $300, add and extra $3. and you have just rounded off the little extras a day to $540. a month. That's basically what I spend on coffee, lunch and soda in a day, thrown in one pair of shoes, and maybe a night of drinks or  movie and you could easily be at $600 a month. If you were to put that amount of money in savings for 10 years at a only a 1% earning you would have $80,000. My point isn't to give everything up. That's the kind of thinking that puts us one diets and budgets and leaves us feeling defeated. My point is to be more aware of  how often we don't think about our choices. I want to live the way I choose, I don't want habits to choose my life. I want my 20 pound and 80 grand when I look back 10 years from now. I don't want to be fighting the same battles, like I was 10 years ago.
That whole tortoise and hare story is making a whole lot more sense than it use to. Moving forward is better than not moving at all.
My goal this week is to make choices, to snackfast and spendfast. Im not going to weigh or check my account until the end of the week. I will use cash no debit card, and eat when I am hungry (not to satisfy a head craving). I will journal all the times I would have taken an extra bite, grab or taste, and don't. I will write down how much I don't spend but normally would have.
It will be an interesting experiment to see how many times I actually spend and eat without thinking in a week.

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