Sunday, June 26, 2016

Emotional Workout: Pain Series #2

I sat in the counselors office, twirling my hair around my finger (usually an indicator that she was challenging me to do something outside my chosen comfort level), I grew more and more agitated. She was pushing my limits.
As a rule, I tend to be a flitter. I have a lot of energy and don't like to be still to long, I move from person to person and thing to thing. I don't like to miss anything, so I keep moving exploring and indulging my impatience with life in general. I don't like to be cornered.

Boredom makes me grumpy.

On this day the counselor challenged me to go to the mall. At first I was thrilled!
Then she dropped the bomb. " I want you to go to the mall, find a chair and sit". "Sit and do what?" I asked. "Nothing", she replied. "Can I have a coffee?". "No, you can't have any kind of distraction." "Distraction from what?" "The tension of wanting to get away from the pain of being bored."
Then I understood.
She was putting me in a situation where I had to feel tension (discomfort), and not get away. She continued with her torturous plan, and said " I want you to sit there for one hour, no naps allowed". 
To me, this was painful. It was a  good pain that I needed to endure to mature.
Some pain needs to be faced for us to grow.
There are degrees of painful growth challenges. Each degree of pain, when conquered reaps and equal amount of reward.
As I learned to sit without distraction and get comfortable just being there, I learned to strengthen my contentment muscles. This then translated to quiet muscles, hunger
muscles, compassion muscles; You get picture.
Good pain is a door to growth. The Holy Spirit is our guide to these doors, and He provides the strength we need to face the pain and walk through.
The choice is ours. #onechoiceatatime

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