Tuesday, June 2, 2015

5 Things I Have Learned About Breaking Habits


5 Things I Understand Better

I have been on a journey to learn to live free from habits, diets, rigid rules, lies and other tyrants. I am learning to live one choice at a time, while discovering what makes me tick. My goal is to trust God and follow him, #oncechoiceatatime. Here are 5 things I understand that I did not understand when I started.

1. The 21 day rule about forming habits is a myth;

 Bad habits take 21 minutes to form and good habits take a lot longer than 21 days. I am learning that there does come a point where the good habits start to click into routine, but you have to keep going long enough to make them strong enough to overcome the old habit they are replacing.

2. Its Not Just About Habits;

At some point in the journey I began to understand that my bad habits reflected my attitude toward life, not just food, money or people. I realized that I was always thinking about how much I was allowed to have, spend or say and not waiting for the needs to present themselves.


3. You Can't Be Present While Obsessing;

If you spend your time thinking about what you can and can't eat, spend or say you miss a whole lot of life. If you continually call your mind back and focus on where you are, listen to those you are and think about what you are doing, the habit of obsessing will be stopped and the habit of being present will take it's place. You will also get the added bonus of contentment.


4. How Deeply Ingrained My Habits Are;

Your mind has been wired, programmed and embedded with instruction for years, how you react, speak, listen, move, and think, without you even being aware of most of it. God knows your mind and what needs to be changed. Instead of tying to figure it out, pray for God to renew your mind daily, leave it in His hands, and then follow His lead #onechoiceatatime, He won't let you down.


5. You Can Be Happy Now;

I used to always have my mind on big goals, somewhere in the future, that I never seemed to reach. It stole my joy and kept me from enjoying what God had for me now. My goals have changed, and they are much smaller. If my goal is only the choice in front of me: to listen and focus on what the person is saying, to be present, to wait for true hunger, to wait for a need to spend money, then I can celebrate each choice as I make it. I be filled with joy all day long as each victory is won. When I make wrong choices, that's alright. I make it right if I can, if I can't, the next choice is right around the corner.